News & Resources

Small Business Services You Never Thought You Needed Until Now

Small businesses often get stuck in a rut. “Do I really need an accountant? I guess QuickBooks will work for now…” All of these questions often are left unanswered and your business is left to deal with the aftermath of unorganized books and numbers. Accounting is an important aspect of any business, regardless of the

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Finance Apps Even Your Grandma Can Use

Baby boomers and retirees have not been shy about learning what technology can do for them. Most retirees have kept up by using Facebook, email, and other online tools to help them learn more about the world around them and communicate with their family, friends, and businesses. It has become natural for those who are

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Famous U.S. Legal Scams Solved By Accounting

While businesses and corporations are held to strict guidelines to make sure not a penny is lost, sometimes people get greedy and start embezzling from their own companies. Many times their tactics work effectively and they end up stealing from staff, the government, and investors, by lying or misrepresenting a company’s income, assets, expenditures and

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How to Stop Money from Flying Out of Your Wallet

Are you feeling like money is flying straight out of your wallet and disappearing forever? Many times when we start our first business, we begin throwing money out the window like it’s nothing. But the truth is that we’re not made out of money, especially in the beginning. If this sounds like you, let’s talk

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Can You Guess the Unlikely Culprit Who Embezzles From Your Business?

Employee theft is a nightmare that no business owner wishes to experience. But what most business owners don’t understand is that the most likely culprit is often a person who is most-trusted. It is a sad fact, but nonetheless true, that there are many cases in which family members are involved in fraud and embezzlement

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U.S. Accounting Scandals That Changed Accounting Forever

We’ve all been terrified of big banks and hackers, but accounting scandals are some of the most devastating monetary damages experienced by businesses far and wide. There have been several accounting scandals in U.S. which have shocked the financial markets and resulted in huge losses to investors. These scams occur when complex accounting techniques are

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Is Your Caregiver Stealing From You?

Hiring a caregiver is often a good idea for yourself or for your parents as they grow older. It gives us a feeling of safety and comfort knowing that our loved ones are being taken care of properly, even when they cannot do it themselves. Doing simple things like driving down the street for groceries

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4 Tips To Help You Get The Most Out Of Your Taxes

Everyone knows how important it is to be organized when it comes to doing your taxes. Having all of your documents in once place will make filing your taxes less stressful, and it’ll make your tax professional’s job much easier, but being organized isn’t the only way you can get the most out of your

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